Bouquets Pastel bouquet Bqtpastel €45.00 The pastel bouquet is made according to the seasonal flowers available in store. We will make this bouquet in gradient tones of pink, white and green. View
Bouquets White and green bouquet Bqtblanc €45.00 The white and green bouquet is made according to the seasonal flowers available in store. View
Bouquets Colorful bouquet Bqtcolore €45.00 The colorful bouquet is made according to the seasonal flowers available in store. Pictures presented on this product are not contractual. View
Bouquets "elegance" Pastel Bouquet - Collection "Elegance" Bqtelpastel €100.00 The Pastel Elegance bouquet is a generous and imposing creation, composed of seasonal flowers available in store. We will make this bouquet in white, pink and green tones. View
Bouquets "elegance" White and green bouquet - Collection "Elegance" Bqtelblanc €100.00 The white and green Elegance bouquet is a generous and imposing creation, made up of seasonal flowers available in store. We will make this bouquet in shades of white, cream and green. View
Bouquets "elegance" Colorful bouquet - Collection "Elegance" Bqtelcol €100.00 The colorful Elegance bouquet is a generous and imposing creation, made up of seasonal flowers available in store. We will make this bouquet in the tones mentioned in your personalization. View
Bouquet of roses Red roses bqrrouge €6.00 We offer you this beautiful and large red rose, of superior quality. You can select the number of roses in your bouquet (from 11 roses). The bouquet will be embellished with foliage. Add to cart
Bouquet of roses White roses bqrblanc €6.00 We suggest you this beautiful and large rose, of superior quality. You can select the number of roses in your bouquet (from 11 roses). The bouquet will be embellished with foliage. Add to cart
Bouquet of roses Pink roses bqrrose €6.00 We suggest you this beautiful and large rose, of superior quality. You can select the number of roses in your bouquet (from 11 roses). The bouquet will be embellished with foliage. Please note: The color of pink roses may vary depending on the variety of our arrival of flowers of the day. Add to cart
Bouquet of roses Bouquet of roses several colors bqrmix €6.00 We suggest this beautiful and large roses, of superior quality. You can select the number of roses in your bouquet (from 11 roses). The bouquet will be embellished with foliage. Note: The color of the roses may vary depending on the variety of our arrival of flowers of the day. Add to cart