The size of the bouquet varies according to your budget. If you want a bouquet at a different rate than those indicated, do not hesitate to contact us at +33 4 94 97 29 46.
The shapes and colors will be respected. Flowers will be selected according to season and availability.
In order to organize ourselves as well as possible, a minimum delay of 24 hours would be ideal.
If you want a delivery on Saint Tropez for the same day, thank you to take into consideration a delay of 3 hours minimum. This is the minimum time between the validation of your order and delivery. However, we advise you to contact us by telephone, in order to ensure the feasibility of the delivery.
To offer:
When confirming your order, you can leave a message to attach with your bouquet.
The bouquet is delivered without vase.
Les créations visibles sur les photos sont non contractuelles. Les prix des créations sont indiqués dans la légende de la photo, afin de vous donner une idée du rendu.