Bouquet of roses White roses bqrblanc €6.00 We suggest you this beautiful and large rose, of superior quality. You can select the number of roses in your bouquet (from 11 roses). The bouquet will be embellished with foliage. Add to cart
Bouquet of roses Pink roses bqrrose €6.00 We suggest you this beautiful and large rose, of superior quality. You can select the number of roses in your bouquet (from 11 roses). The bouquet will be embellished with foliage. Please note: The color of pink roses may vary depending on the variety of our arrival of flowers of the day. Add to cart
Elongated composition Pastel elongated centerpiece cdtallpastel €80.00 The elongated pastel centerpiece will be made in pink, white and green tones. This elongated creation is an assembly of cut flowers, stitched into hydrated floral foam. The foam sits in a rectangular plastic container. Once the centerpiece is finished, the plants cover and hide the container. The centerpiece is ideal for decorating your rectangular table. View
Elongated composition White elongated centerpiece cdtallblanc €80.00 This elongated centerpiece will be made in white, cream and green tones. This elongated creation is an assembly of cut flowers, stitched into hydrated floral foam. The foam sits in a rectangular plastic container. Once the centerpiece is finished, the plants cover and hide the container. The centerpiece is ideal for decorating your rectangular table. View